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Kelly Liu

Earth Sciences and Engineering
B-43 McNutt Hall
Rolla, MO 65409

573/341-6724 |

Geology 6050: Continuous Registration

Doctoral candidates who have completed all requirements for the degree except the dissertation, and are away from the campus must continue to enroll for at least one hour of credit each registration period until the degree is completed. Failure to do so may invalidate the candidacy. Billing will be automatic as will registration upon payment.

Time/Day: 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Units: 1
Course Component(s): Independent Study

Attention Distance Students

For live class lectures, you will log in using the Zoom UM System link in Canvas. For accessing class recordings, you will need to contact your instructor directly.

Enrollment Information
Campus Delivery Mode Class Status Class Nbr Section
Main Missouri S&T Campus Independent Study FULL 70459 601

Course Access Information
Learning Management System Canvas