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Tayfun Akyurek

Prof, ast
Nuclear Eng &Radiation Science
222 Fulton Hall
Rolla, MO 65409

573/341-4720 |

Nuc Eng 5509: Nuclear Nonproliferation

This course will introduce IAEA mission specific to nonproliferation. The class will provide discussion of essential elements of a nuclear weapon, followed by a brief historical over of nonproliferation treaties in place to deter proliferation. Methods of fissile material production will be discussed followed by a survey of tool and techniques available an

Time/Day: 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Prerequisites: Graduate Standing or enrolled in the Nuclear Nonproliferation certificate program.
Units: 3
Course Component(s): Lecture

Attention Distance Students

For live class lectures, you will log in using the Zoom UM System link in Canvas. For accessing class recordings, you will need to contact your instructor directly.

Enrollment Information
Campus Delivery Mode Class Status Class Nbr Section
Main Missouri S&T Campus Online OPEN 72289 101

Course Access Information
Learning Management System Canvas