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David Duvernell

Biological Sciences
105 Schrenk Hall
Rolla, MO 65409

573/341-4831 |

Bio Sci 5393: Immunology

Introduction to the immune system, and the role of immunology in diseases and treatments. Major topics include the development of the immune system, including T cell and B cell development, innate and adaptive immunity, autoimmunity and tumor immunology.

Time/Day: Arranged
Prerequisites: Bio Sci 2213 and Bio Sci 2223; Bio Sci 3313 is recommended.
Units: 3
Course Component(s): Lecture

Attention Distance Students

For live class lectures, you will log in using the Zoom UM System link in Canvas. For accessing class recordings, you will need to contact your instructor directly.

Enrollment Information
Campus Delivery Mode Class Status Class Nbr Section
Main Missouri S&T Campus Online OPEN 72998 101

Course Access Information
Learning Management System Canvas