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Joshua Schlegel

Prof, asoc
Nuclear Eng &Radiation Science
222 Fulton Hall
Rolla, MO 65409

573/341-7703 |

Nuc Eng 5257: Introduction to Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics

An introductory course in the application of thermal-hydraulic principles to energy systems, with emphasis on nuclear energy issues. Will include the development of constitutive models and applications to power systems, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer problems (including multiphase flows).

Time/Day: Arranged
Prerequisites: Preceded or accompanied by NUC ENG 3223, or MECH ENG 3525, or equivalent, or Graduate standing.
Units: 3
Course Component(s): Lecture

Attention Distance Students

For live class lectures, you will log in using the Zoom UM System link in Canvas. For accessing class recordings, you will need to contact your instructor directly.

Enrollment Information
Campus Delivery Mode Class Status Class Nbr Section
Main Missouri S&T Campus Online OPEN 72784 102

Course Access Information
Learning Management System Canvas