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Michael Wright

English & Tech Communication
218 Humanities and Social Sciences Building
Rolla, MO 65409

573/341-4681 |

TCH COM 5560: Web-Based Communication

Covers such topics as advanced writing and editing for the web; the creation of rhetorically effective websites; the use of blogs, wikis, and other web genres to communicate technical information.

Time/Day: Arranged
Prerequisites: One semester of college composition or technical writing, or graduate standing.
Units: 3
Course Component(s): Lecture

Attention Distance Students

For live class lectures, you will log in using the Zoom UM System link in Canvas. For accessing class recordings, you will need to contact your instructor directly.

Enrollment Information
Campus Delivery Mode Class Status Class Nbr Section
Distance Education Online OPEN 73047 102

Course Access Information
Learning Management System Canvas