Academic quality is important when earning a graduate degree online. At Missouri S&T, we offer the same degree and certificate programs as those taught on campus, ensuring the integrity of our programs.

Missouri S&T's unique approach to delivering online education is designed for working professionals. Various delivery methods, including live class participation through streaming video, maintains the student-to-faculty interaction and enhances the learner experience through the use of the latest technology. Classes, which are semester based (spring/summer/fall), are recorded and archived online for access throughout the semester. Canvas is the learning management system for the campus. 

Online programs are delivered both on the main S&T campus in Rolla, Missouri, and at the West County Office in St Louis, Missouri. 

For working professionals in the greater St. Louis area, the West County Office offers the flexibility of attending live evening courses. Classes are taught by prominent educators, former deans and department chairs with real-world experience. Lectures are live streamed over the internet, recorded and archived for future review and access. This approach allows you the flexibility of attending classes at the West County Office or joining remotely, whichever fits your schedule. The West County Office is located in the West County Continuing Education Center,12837 Flushing Meadows Dr., Suite 210, St. Louis, MO 63131.