Open enrollment starts April 12, 2025. The following information will help you navigate through the process.
You will need to speak with a graduate advisor from your department before you can select your classes in Joe'SS. If you don't know who your advisor is, or if you are a graduate non-degree seeking distance student, please email or call 573-341-6903.
Once you've confirmed with your advisor the course(s) you are taking, you should locate the course information on the Distance Classes page. You will need the 5-digit Class Number and Section listed on the schedule in order to find and select the class in Joe'SS.
To set up your Joe'SS account, click here for instructions.
You will select your enrollment term and then add the class to the cart. Make sure the 5-digit Class Number and Section in Joe'SS matches the course from the Distance Class Schedule.
Graduate students enrolled in at least four (4) credit hours are eligible for financial aid. To schedule an appointment with your counselor, please contact the Student Financial Assistance Office at or 1-800-522-0938.
If your company offers educational benefits, you might be interested in our deferred tuition program. This is a different program from Sponsored Billing, which is for educational expenses paid by an agency, embassy or company.
Boeing employees will need to send their LTP vouchers to Cashier's Office ( for processing. Please contact your LTP Representative for more information.
Once you're registered for classes you should check out The S&T Store for required books and materials. The S&T Store's site allows for quick price comparison with external retailers to make sure you're getting the best deal possible.